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Stella: Bedroom Special (Part 2)

Welcome back, my dear fairies!

Follow me, I'll take you to the most secret area of my bedroom: the dream corner!


Poster bed!

The right bed for a princess like me! It's huge, soft and it makes me feel cuddled when I'm sleeping.



Golden mobiles!
They swing light and shining, giving a magic touch to the room. Do you like them? You can make them too: just cut out your favourite images and tie them up to the light fixture with some transparent threads.



A maxi photo!
Here I look fashion and gorgeous, as usual. Seeing everyday how pretty I am makes me feel wonderful! Why don't you also put your best picture next to your bed?



A fairy corner!
You can create it using soft cushions and a suffused light. In my corner, I chill out and look at the stars through the window, thinking about my boyfriend, Brandon. I'm a romantic person, you know?!?!



I love my bedroom, I'd spend hours in there with the Winx. Isn't it magical? And soon you'll also see my favourite spot: the super magical wardrobe room! But now tell me what is your favourite thing in this part of the room… I'm super CURIOUS!



  • on 30 June, 2016 - 17:41 ManoLeo writes

    I love your bed!

  • on 13 February, 2016 - 23:18 AngelGirl1623 writes

    I noticed that you golden mobiles look just like your fairy dust container.

  • on 23 January, 2016 - 01:50 stellaregina writes

    your bedroom is soo awesome

  • on 14 January, 2016 - 08:18 Allegra_Bloom writes

    Really nice bedroom!

  • on 25 November, 2015 - 23:49 Destiny3 writes

    Hi Stella! I love your bedroom! My favorite part of my bedroom is the window. I could see my pets play. I could also tell my parents if they managed to escape through the hole on the gate again.

  • on 5 October, 2015 - 15:11 RosettaAngel writes

    Shiny and romantic <3 I love it , Stella <3

  • on 23 July, 2015 - 14:33 Cute violet writes

    I really like your fairy corner Stella. It seems really cool.

  • on 19 July, 2015 - 06:46 pikapal writes

    I like the big photo.

  • on 12 July, 2015 - 15:30 FashionFairy1001 writes

    The poster bed and the fairy corner are my favorite things in your room!

  • on 6 July, 2015 - 23:45 NatureLover123 writes

    I love it all, but especially the fairy corner. I share a room with my sibling, and most of this is impossible. Can you please give me advice?

  • on 3 June, 2015 - 13:33 ArdhanaHW17 writes

    Hey, nice room!! I would like to visit your fancy bedroom!! I like that stellar-theme all over the room, and if you're a car, I'm gonna put on star-cues on your body kit all the way to the blinging rims! You know what, Stella? You're my main cartoon blonde girl!!

  • on 5 May, 2015 - 12:43 riverstyxx writes

    Your golden mobile looks like your fairy dust bottle,way back on season 3

  • on 13 April, 2015 - 15:50 Stelleries_Musi writes

    Nice! <3

  • on 17 March, 2015 - 19:56 bloomgh83 writes

    wow Stella your room is a little crowded!!

  • on 6 March, 2015 - 00:10 Nikki4real writes

    Where did u get that shelf? it's awesome

  • on 13 February, 2015 - 16:39 Jack1305 writes

    your golden mobiles look like you enchantix fairy dust bottle.

  • on 8 February, 2015 - 06:18 Jack1305 writes

    My bed

  • on 5 February, 2015 - 00:06 Wintermagic15 writes

    The bed is the best!

  • on 28 December, 2014 - 11:54 Winxka031 writes


  • on 26 November, 2014 - 22:14 animalwing10001 writes

    Stella has a beautiful bedroom! I want one like it! ;)

  • on 26 November, 2014 - 06:41 Apple_Lee writes


  • on 23 November, 2014 - 10:07 tretru writes

    your bedroom cool

  • on 19 November, 2014 - 14:20 bloom_fire_princesses writes

    ♥ miss star ♥

  • on 14 November, 2014 - 15:06 ROXY_5877 writes

    Nice Bedroom Stella

  • on 9 November, 2014 - 13:51 yas_maddah writes

    is sooooooo special

  • on 20 October, 2014 - 21:12 Marceline_Saga writes


  • on 20 October, 2014 - 00:57 Sunny-in-Solaria writes

    I find it funny that the golden mobiles are in the shape of Stella's fairy dust bottle. Nice throw back to season 3. Although, having an "s" shaped shelf seems kinda inconvenient to me.

  • on 17 October, 2014 - 16:17 clubfairy writes


  • on 13 August, 2014 - 06:35 Believix_Stella writes

    Stella...I wish I had a room like yours! Your my favorite fairy!

  • on 13 August, 2014 - 06:35 Believix_Stella writes

    Stella...I wish I had a room like yours! Your my favorite fairy!

chiudi you won
